

Description: Close up of a young white man playing a guitar in a crowd of people on the UC Berkeley campus. He is playing Flamenco music according to photo notes.


Description: Two musicians perform under the Sather Gate on the UC Berkeley campus. One plays a violin and another a banjo. Both wear tatered clothes and look to be homeless. They have the banjo...


Handwritten on the back, "Mr. Geddins at home with awards and a few of old 45's he recorded, Geddins, Bob." Photo shows Geddins holding an award from the San Francisco Blues Festival. On the...


Depiction: Three women stand on railroad tracks leading into the Concord Naval Weapons Station. An older woman holds a white cross which has the words "Herbert Anaya, Age 33, killed by death squad...


Depiction: A line of navy soldiers stand in a line along the length of a train at the Concord Naval Weapons Station. They wear fatigues and hold batons in front of them. Two Sheriffs are also on...


Depiction: A man sits on the ground near a chain link fence where a Sheriff is arresting him. His hands are behind his back. Soldiers in fatigues and helmets with face shields stand around the man...


Serious/neutral expression on woman facing man. Man is not identified and is seen only from back/profile.

Assemblywoman Fong's dark hair is worn to just below her ears and she appears...


Depiction: Photo focuses on three UC Berkeley student protestors who are each hold an effigy of either Ronald Reagan, Sheriff Frank Madigan or UC Chancellor Roger Heyns. They are in Provo Park and...


Depiction: People stand around or work with plants which have been planted in a large dirt field in Berkeley, called the People's Park. A few hold gardening tools. Pine trees and bushes have been...


Photo depicts: National Army troops move diners away from the sidwalk tables at Kentucky Beef with pointed rifles.


Photo depicts: Over one dozen National Guard soldiers are lined up behind a short cement wall facing a group of students in the ASUC building patio. The soldiers are pointing their guns at the...


Photo depicts: A long line of National Guard soldiers stand with rifles pointed at a crowd of students on the UC Berkeley campus at the ASUC building.


Depiction: A crowd of UC Berkeley students begins a protest march into downtown Berkeley and is seen leaving from Sproul Plaza. It looks like the crowd may be chanting or singing. Some carry...


Photo depicts: Fifty or more National Guard troops walk in a line to force a large crowd of students to clear out of a UC Berkeley square. One young soldier has grabbed a male student as he tried...


Photo depicts: Fifty or more National Guard troops walk in a line to force a large crowd of students to clear out of a UC Berkeley square. One young soldier has grabbed a male student as he tried...


Photo depicts: Photo is taken from the passenger seat of a militay jeep. It looks out onto three soldiers holding rifles and facing a laughing crowd of students. Notes on back of photo says the...


Tribune caption on the back, November 17, 1942-- "The tenth annual dinner and show of the Downtown Merchants' Assoication of Oakland was held alst night in the Ivory Court of the Hotel Oakland...


Photo shows a large room with pipes and things hanging from the ceiling. The room is filled with filing cabinets at which several people are looking items up. In the foreground is a desk with...


Photo shows a group of women and men holding picket signs in front of Kahn's. They are holding signs that say "Do Not Patronize, This Place Unfair," "Kahn's Employees on Strike Support Us," and "...


Photo shows a group of women and men holding picket signs in front of Kahn's. They are holding signs that say "Do Not Patronize, This Place Unfair," "Kahn's Employees on Strike Support Us," and "...


Photo shows a group of women and men holding picket signs in front of Kahn's. They are holding signs that say "Do Not Patronize, This Place Unfair," "Kahn's Employees on Strike Support Us," and "...


Handwritten on the back of the photo, "Tribune Library, 2-9-50." Commercial Studios stamp also on the back. Photo shows a large room with pipes and things hanging from the ceiling. The room is...


Photo shows a group of women holding picket signs in front of Kahn's. They are holding signs that say "? Living Costs, Kahns Wages???" and "Closed Shop is Not the Issue in this Strike." One woman...


Photo shows a group of women and men holding picket signs in front of Kahn's. They are holding signs that say "Do Not Patronize, This Place Unfair," "Kahn's Employees on Strike Support Us," and "...

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