
Ugly Americanism
c. 1989

Poster has a light red background with an image at the bottom and black text above. The image is of a man dressed like Uncle Sam holding buildings. On one building is a sign with "Now Showing...

The Other America
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white/cream paper. The poster''s background is a cityscape, most likely New York City. In the forefront is a construction worker who is attaching two thick steel cables...

The Other America

Poster is printed on white/cream paper. The poster''s background is a cityscape, most likely New York City. In the forefront is a construction worker who is attaching two thick steel cables...

Das Andere Amerika

Poster is printed on white/cream paper. The poster''s background is a cityscape, most likely New York City. In the forefront is a construction worker who is attaching two thick steel cables...

Das Andere Amerika

Poster is printed on white/cream paper. The poster''s background is a cityscape, most likely New York City. In the forefront is a construction worker who is attaching two thick steel cables...

American Is Beautiful
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a blue image of the head of the Statue of Liberty at the bottom of the poster on a red backgrounbd with blue stars. White text at the top of the poster reads "American Is Beautiful"...

History Through A Lens: Escape From Vietnam

Poster has a blue background with white text. In the center is a black and white photograph of an American official hitting a Vietnamese refugee trying to get onto a helicopter. Below the image is...

Asian/Pacific-American heritage week

Poster shows the face of a man, taking up 3/4 of the poster. The man has facial hair and large red lips. In the gray shirt inthe bottom right of the poster is the text "Asian/Pacific-American...

Chinese Americans : Fact Film Fiction
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

This is a double-sided poster/mailer with an orange and purple tinted photograph of two woman in the bottom half of the front side. The woman on the left is sitting down and holding her hands out...

Shot in the head / by an Israeli sniper
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Inside a ? inch white margin, this poster has a black background. A photograph takes up the upper ? of this central black area beneath a lime of white text reading "Tom Hurndall, 21 years old"....

Meet 28 Black Americans who changed the world

Poster has a black border around the edge with the names of influential african-americans in yellow lettering. In the center is an image of Martin Luther King. Below the image of King are several...

Here Lies John American

Poster is printed on the back of a 1967 calendar page. Poster has a black outline of a tombstone with black lettering in the center. The tombstone reads, "Here lies John American who died to save...

Americans want peace

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper with blue on the left and red on the right. In the center is an image of an eagle holding a shield with stars and stripes surrounded by two olive...

Americans want peace

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper with blue ink. In the center is animage of an eagle with two olive branches and a stars and stripe shield. Across the top is a row of stars. Poster...

If This Mother + Child  Were Not American Would You Care

The poster is printed on white tractor feed computer paper wit text and image in purple. The poster has a large stylized drawing of a female figure holding a naked infant whose back is to the...

Who Says Americans are Getting Soft?
c. 1972

Poster has a black and white photo of two men kissing. Around the photo is a star, eagle and United States flag border. Under the image is "Who says Americans are getting soft?" printed in black....

Women In American History

Poster shows three rows of females, which include drawings of the individual and one or two sentences about the individuals accomplishment. On the top row is: Pocahontas, Abigal Adams, Deborah...

Women In American History

The poster shows three rows of females, which includes a drawing of the individual and one or two sentences about their accomplishments in U.S. history. On the top row is: Martha Graham, Dorothea...

Women In American History

On the poster are 3 rows. Each row has four or five drawings of a female figure and one or two sentences about their accomplishments. This poster is focused on inviduals who were born during the...

Women In American History

Printed at the top of the poster is "Women In American History." Below this are three rows filled with women who have had an impact in the United States. Each row has a drawing of the woman and a...

untitled (Vietnamese and American enemies)
c 1970

Poster has a drawing of a young woman with black hair and a blue shirt writing on the left. On the right are black and white images of various people: a woman, an African-American man, a Native...

Ugly Americanism
c. 1989

Poster has a light red background with an image at the bottom and black text above. The image is of a man dressed like Uncle Sam holding buildings. On one building is a sign with "Now...

c. 1970

Poster has a brown background at the top with a black and white image of a young boy wiping tears away from his eyes. Below is black printed text that has truths about Americans and how they...

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