

Political pin used in Paul Nave's gubernatorial campaign during the 2003 California Gubernatorial Recall Election. Depicts Paul Nave in center, wearing 4 championship belts, 3 on his...


Political pin used in Paul Nave's gubernatorial campaign during the 2003 California Gubernatorial Recall Election. Depicts Paul Nave in center, wearing 4 championship belts, 3 on his...


Description: Political pin. Black text on red background reads, "Vote No on Recall, Sproul www.sproulforgovernor, for...


This object is the melted remains of a ceramic plate, metal, and other objects from the 1991 Oakland-Berkeley Fire. It was collected at the home of the donor and was one of the artifacts she saved...


This is a pistol that melted in the 1991 Oakland-Berkeley Fire. It was collected at the home of the donor and was one of the artifacts she saved in her garage. The home was at 164 Vicente Road in...


This is a door lock and key that melted together in the 1991 Oakland-Berkeley Fire. It was collected at the home of the donor and was one of the artifacts she saved in her garage. The home was at...


This is a round clock that melted in the 1991 Oakland-Berkeley Fire. It was collected at the home of the donor and was one of the artifacts she saved in her garage. The home was at 164 Vicente...


A bronze colored baseball player stands on top of a metal baseball of the same color. These are attached to a dark brown plastic base. On the front of this is a metal plaque reading "E. Bercovich...


A solid, gold colored baseball player stands on top of a copper colored trophy 'pot.' This pot stands on top of a tall, narrow square of wood. A long golden metal sheet is screwed into the front...


A large, silver colored baseball player stands at bat on top of a wooden and metal trophy. The rectangular, wooden base he stands on it attached to a three piece metal design. Two copper side...


A large wooden plaque, 15 1/4 ins. tall and 18 ins. across, has two golden colored plaques placed in it. The top one is arched and reads "Knights and Knaves Honor Award 1956." Below it are three...


A large, dark gold colored baseball player stands at bat on top of a trophy of the same color. The main section of the trophy is round and pillar shaped with detail around the top edge and at the...

c. 1985

Pin with "Vietnam Veterans are still dying of Agent Orange, VVAW."

Promotional pin from Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) warning about the persistant threat of the affects of...

c. 1980

Pin from Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW). Printed on it: "Support Vietnam Veterans Against the War." The VVAW was started June 1, 1967 (see Tom Wells "The War Within: American's...


Pin from Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW). Printed on it: "20 VVAW."

This would be the 20th anniversary of the establishment of VVAW which was started June 1, 1967 (see Tom Wells "...

c. 1975

Pin from Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW). The orgainizations name and symbol, a M-16 standing on end with a helmet on top, are on the pin.

Round button, red, white & blue: the circumference is a red border, with writing in white "Together for Your Security," in the middle is a white circle with a blue flag which bears the AFL-CIO...

yellow, round button with red writing: Congress Carter Democrat

c. 1965

Signage used by the US Army during the Vietnam War. "US Army Transition Point 23"

c. 1964

One of many signs posted around Building 590 at the Oakland Army Base during the Vietnam War. Building 590 was used as a place were troops would spend the

night before being shipped to...


A dark gold colored baseball player stands on top of a bright gold colored trophy 'pot.' This pot stands on top of a small square of wood which is on top of a tall, narrow pillar of thin, gold...

c. 1977

A computer manual copyright 1979. Inside, the binder is divided into four parts with colored plastic labels. The labels read: Disk Jockey 2/D, Disk/ATE, SwitchBoard, and EconoRAM 3. In the...

c. 1977

Computer hardware board on which is written, "The Speakeasy from Thinker Toys". Several black computer chips cover the front of the board.

c. 1977

Computer hardware board on which is written, "The Speakeasy from Thinker Toys". Several black computer chips cover the front of the board.

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