
Defend Our Union Brothers

Poster has a red and blue image and white text on a blue background. Text at top reads "Defend Our Union Borthers!" followed by a large image of police officers observing a rallying crowd. The...

March On

Poster has red and white images and text on a black background. Text at top reads (in red) "March On Washington, D.C. Jan. 21 At Carter''s State Of The Union Address" followed by a white bulleted...

International Labor Day

Poster has black text and a black and white image printed on a white background. Central dotted image of the head of a statue on the ground while people walk by and look at it. Above the image is...

Union Trap
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black and red text and images on a white background. Text at top left reads "Watch Out For The" (in black) "Union Trap!" (in red letters with jagged sides). Central image shows a man in...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has blue and white images and blue text on a red background. Image shows a family with a mother, father, daughter, and son at the top right with items used in their daily lives in a collage...


Poster has four abstract hands joined at the wrists facing evenly toward all sides of the poster. The top hand is white with a black UAW logo at the palm; the right hand is beige with a white...

To Fight
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has blue and yellow text and images printed on a white background. At the top left is the ILWU logo followed by "political action fund" in yellow at the right. In the middle of the poster...


Poster has blue and yellow text and images printed on white paper. Centered at the top is the ILWU logo followed by the text "Longshore" (in yellow) "contract 2002" (in blue). At the bottom of the...

Strike Fund
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has blue and yellow text and images printed on white paper. Centered at the top of the poster is the ILWU logo followed by the text "Pay Your" (in yellow) "Strike Fund" (in blue shaded...

Das Andere Amerika

Poster has a recolored image of a man in overalls gripping a cable high above a city with a river below. At the top right is the text "Das Andere Amerika" in block letters filled in with the...

East Bay Labor Journal

Poster is a reproduction of a newspaper page - two article titles: "1946 General Strike: the day labor brought Alameda County to a stop" and "Fight against strikebreaking united East Bay labor"....

Joe Hill

Poster has black and white image of a man from the waist up with his eyes glancing downward. A black quote at the bottom reads "Don''t waste time in mourning. Organize!" The quote is attributed to...

Union Security

Poster has a background that begins purple at the top and transitions to bright red at the bottom. White text starting at the top left of the poster reads "job security", "economic security" and...


Poser shows a polychromatic and pixelated image of a crowd marching down a tree lined street carrying flags. Vertically up the left side of the poster is white text reading "Solidarity!" In a...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black and white image of Abraham Lincoln''s head centered at the top. Below him are the words of the Gettysburg Address in old English typeface in the shape of a banner. Below the...

circa 1987

Poster has black text and images printed on light blue paper. Text at top reads "The Strike Is Not Over" with the end of the air trailing downward and forming an arrow. Beneath the...

Don't Ever Give Up
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has green and white images and green text printed on heavy, layered white paper. Central image of a stork balancing on one leg with a frog labeled "AIW Local 837" in his mouth, a "Union"...

Support Coal Miners
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black and white images and black text on white paper. Text at the top right reads "Support Coal Miners & Their Families On Strike" with an image of a man in a hard hat at the top...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black text and logos printed on red paper. At the top of the poster is the text "University Professional and Technical Employees/CWA local 9119" separated into three lines of text. The...

Driscoll: Be Fair
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black and white image of a strawberry at the top right and a white bird symbol at the top left. Centered and slightly over the strawberry is white text reading "Driscoll: Be Fair!"...

World Auto Councils

Centered at the top of the poster is the IMF logo in faded red. On both sides of logo are lists of union organizations in red, some in foreign languages. Beneath the logo is the text "World Auto...

No Scab Airline
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster shows a black and white Eastern Airline airplane crossed out in a red circle with white text reading "Boycott Eastern And Continental". Above the airplane at the top of the poster is purple...

circa 1990

Poster shows a man in a hat and pin-striped suit holding an accordion in his lap and a piece of paper witht he text "if we workers take a notion we can stop all speeding trains every ship...

Sherlock's Organizing Clues
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black silhouette of a figure dressed like Sherlock Holmes - hat, pipe, magnifying glass. The figure is divided into sections by yellow lines that form 28 puzzle piece-like areas, each...

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