

Photo depicts: A line of about a dozen National Guard troops walk across Sproul Administration steps with guns out in front of them. A few students can be seen walking in front of them.


Photographs of Indian life. The photo depicts people gathered to observe the white deer skin dance. Men, women and children sit and stand in a forested clearing facing people performing the...


From ""Bort, Joseph P. Former Ala.Co.Supervisor, Metro Trans.Comm." folder. From 1980 caption on back of photograph: "Joseph Bort." From 1981 caption on back of photograph: "Joseph Bort dubious...


Demonstrators line the sidewalks of Fourteenth Street in downtown Oakland. Multiple police motorcycles line the streets. One man, dressed in a suit and conferring with a police officer, is...


Photograph of a small draft protest crowd on the sidewalk of 14th Street. A policemen is show moving quickly to deal with the crowd. Handwritten on the back of the photograph: "14th St. between...


Depiction: Close up of a young white man in the process of throwing a rock. He wears a bead necklace and has a cigarette in his mouth. A blonde woman stands beside him. A crowd of students gather...


Depiction: Student protestors were corraled by National Guard and police into an empty lot in Berkeley. The photo is shot down the street's sidewalk where National Guard soldiers are lined up with...


Depiction: Student protestors were corraled by National Guard and police into an empty lot in Berkeley. This photo is a close up of the students toward the front of the crowd who are faced by...


Depiction: A male student stands underneath a tree on top of a large planter on the UC Berkeley campus where he speaks to a very large crowd of students sitting on the ground in front of him at...


Depiction: A blonde man with sunglasses walks across the Berkeley campus laughing with another man as he carries a small pig. There is a crowd following them and smiling. Photo is one of two - see...


Depiction: A blonde man with sunglasses walks across the Berkeley campus laughing with another man as he carries a small pig. Photo is one of two - see #2000.1.771


Depiction: Student protestors were corraled by National Guard and police into an empty lot in Berkeley. This photo is a close up of the students at the front of the crowd who are looking at and...


Depiction: Possibly 200 protestors have been corraled into a parking lot and up against a wall by as many National Guard soldiers. The soldiers have bayonetted rifles pointed at the crowd and...


Depiction: A young man stands with his legs spread and his hands on the trunk of a car while being searched by police. He was arrested for participating in a protest in Berkeley. A Berkeley...


Depiction: Seven National Guardsmen stand in front of UC Berkeley Channcellor Hayns's home in riot gear and with rifles raised. The beautiful, ivy-covered house stands behind them.


Depiction: Four National Guardsmen stand in front of UC Berkeley Chancellor Heyns's home in riot gear and with rifles raised. All that's seen are their heads over the large bushes in front of them...


Depiction: A student sits quietly on the lawn and holds his books to his chest. He somehow got caught between two rows of armed National Guardsmen in riot gear.


Depiction: A large crowd of demonstrators stands on the lawn in front of UC Berkeley Chancellor Heyns's home. National Guardsmen stand between them and the house. Their guns are raised. Many trees...


Depiction: A National Guardsman fires a gas canister toward an unseen crowd. There is a puff of smoke leaving the weapon. Around him are other Guardsmen watching the canister fly. Some are...


Depiction: According to notes on the back of the photo, a National Guardsman has been arrested. A soldier stands next to him with a rifle as though guarding him. The arrested soldier sits on a...


Depiction: A pretty, well dressed blonde woman made her way past armed National Guardsmen and rushing toward one, embraced him. One soldier has grabbed her in efforts to hold her back. The...


Depiction: Close up of a young man being handcuffed and arrested by two Berkeley police officers. He man has a bloody nose and the blood has run down his chin and onto his shirt. A small crowd...


Depiction: A large group of protestors line the lawn in front of the UC Berkeley chancellor's home. A gas canister is seen exploding and police are running to chase off protestors. One man is...


Depiction: Picture is mostly of a cement Berkeley campus courtyard in front of a building. A small black dog walks across it. In the background is a long line of National Guardsman in riot gear...

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