offset lithograph

Untitled (Indian Man)
Whispers of the People
Nieweh Sakoiatison
Our Arctic Way of Life
Free Ken Loudhawk and Russell Redner
Wanted By The People
The leonard Pelyier Organizing Conference
We Are Proud Of Being Born Indian
The Whaler
Free Peltier
Untitled (Man with Feather in Hair with Horsemen)
Untitled (Plains Indians)
Big Mountain Dineh Nation
One Earth One People
Stop the Land Grab!
Untitled (Indian Man with Horse Staff)
Peace and Dignity Journeys 1992
Native Images
Untitled (Woman and Moutain Lion)
The Earth Does Not Belong to Man
I Am Tired of Fighting
Chief Seattle Speaks
untitled (Lone Hawk)
© 2024 Oakland Museum of California