
3 in HIGH
(7.62 cm HIGH)
Gift of Women For Peace

"What's Going On? California and the Vietnam Era" Exhibition at the Great Hall, August 28, 2004-February 28, 2005.

The bumper sticker is white, and in blue writing it reads "Support Our Troops" below which, in red is written, "Bring 'em Home Alive." The bumper sticker was handed out at antiwar and anti-occupation protests against the Iraqi war, by members of Women for Peace (a breakaway from the Women's Strike for Peace of the 1960's).

Women's Strike for Peace, first came together in 1961 to demand the banning of aboveground nuclear tests. Those tests were causing radioactive fallout, exposing many thousands of people, especially children, to higher risks of cancer.Our nationwide actions helped lead to the Partial Test Ban Treaty, which ended atmospheric nuclear tests.Today the group continues, under the name Women for Peace, to lobby, educate, and join others all over the world in the struggle to achieve the complete abolition of nuclear weapons, working for a change in national priorities and for achievement and preservation of peace, justice and human rights.

Used: Women for Peace

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