
7.75 in HIGH x 9.75 in WIDE
(19.68 cm HIGH x 24.76 cm WIDE)
The Oakland Tribune Collection, the Oakland Museum of California. Gift of ANG Newspapers.

From front of photo: A 3835 -- 9-11-33 Moccasin Power House, exterior. At the bottom is a landscaed area in an L shape. There are low ornamental flowers, six plus taller schrubs and flowers and six taller trees on either side of a chain-link fence. In the middle is the Moccasion Power House. It appears to have been built on a hill. It is a large - four story - cement block building with a large arched window in the middle front with the name "Moccasin Power House" between the window and the roof. In this window can be seen three pairs of small windows on the left side of the building. (It appears the larged arched window looks in on one very large room.) To the left of the main/tallest part of the building is a smaller/lower (two story) structure with a small arched window with balcony. The window appears to open from the top and is open. The roof is tile with a slope. The right side of the builidng has four distinct levels. The bottom appears to be the ground level with open arches (4 visible) into the building. To the right of the last arch is a solid wall built into the side of the low hill. The low hill is covered in some sort of vegetation. On this rock wall appeas to be four crosses. Above this level is the "ground" level with another set of open arches, one at each end and approximately 14 along the building. Above this level are a set of 15 tall skinny windows or rectangular indentations. Above this set of "windows" are 15 sets of 3 arched windows. They are about 1/2 the size of the windows below. Above is the slanted roof and approximately 15 sets of windows about 1/3 the size of those just below. Behind the building are tall hills. The one farthest may be covered in trees -- it has no "open spaces". The hill in front is covered in tall trees that are distinguishable as trees. there are open spaces so the tree trunks are visible. Below the trees are large bushes and a grassy area. To the left is a four story metal structure -- vertical and hortizontal beams. At the bottom are support X's. On the metal structure are many coil-like additions. The electricity generated is probably stored and/or fowarded in this structure. To the right of the building, front, is a large electrical tower. It goes from the back of the landscaped area to the top of the photo. It is four vertical metal beams at its base with extensions to the top with horizontal pieces to hold the four corners together and "X" pieces for support. Above the building six cross pieces of the tower extend beyond the four corners of the tower. There are coils on these six cross pieces.

From an envelope marked: San francisco, Calif. Water construction Shots 1930-1949

Used: Oakland Tribune

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