
Candlestick Point Stadium
7 in HIGH x 9.75 in WIDE
(17.78 cm HIGH x 24.76 cm WIDE)
Oakland Tribune Collection, Oakland Museum of California, gift of ANG Newspapers

"Candlestick Point Stadium" (handwritten in pencil on top back left corner); "Baseball" (handwritten in blue ink in top left back corner); "APR 1 1959 / RUSS REED / Plane flown by Warren Boggess / PACIFIC STATES AVIATION, CONCORD" (stamped on back)

Photograph depicting an aerial view of the construction of Candlestick Park. The area where the field will be has grid lines marking it off. A crane to the far left appears to be working on the stadium itself. Several tractors and other vehicles appear around the parameter of the construction zone.

Used: Oakland Tribune

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