
Sixth Annual American Indian Trade Fair and Exposition
18 in HIGH x 15 in WIDE
(45.72 cm HIGH x 38.1 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Bottom center: The American Indian Trade Fair and Exposition is sponsored each year by the Corporation for American Indian Development. / Tax deductible donation to CAID are appreciated. Tax status 501(c)3 Non-Profit. CAID 225 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94103-2398 (415) 391-5800. / The continued success of this event is partially due to excellent support we have received from the Grants for Arts, the Junior League of San Francisco, / the Administration for Native Americans, adn the Adolph Coors Company. Our special thanks to Type & Graphics/Fast Stats of San Francisco for their typesetting donation.".

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a notice for an exposition. At the top left is an image of an Indian man in traditional regalia and appears to be dancing in front of a group of people. At the bottom of the poster is text that reads: "Sixth Annual American Indian / trade Fair And Exposition / Septemner 12 and 13, 1987 10 AM to 6 PM / Civic Center Plaza San Francisco, California / Free To All For information call (415) 391-5800". To the right of the image are five block of text with event information (SEE Image). |
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