
Late 20th Early 21st Century
22 in HIGH x 15.5 in WIDE
(55.88 cm HIGH x 39.37 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Poster has black and white text and white accents printed on an orange background on thick, heavy paper. BUF logo in black centered at the top with a white lightning-like symbol going through it followed by the black text "Organizing For Victory In The 80s" and five lines of smaller black text explaining the conference. A tthe center are the dates in white and then the location beneath in black followed by "Sponsored By Organizing Committee For A National Black United Front". A the bottom of the poster is a white heading followed by five sections of black text, three at the top and two at the bottom, with a list of contacts in Philadelphia, New York, Portland, Mississippi and Cairo (IL).
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