
Stop The Toxic Incinerator
Late 20th Early 21st Century
18 in HIGH x 13.5 in WIDE
(45.72 cm HIGH x 34.29 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Poster has black text and a red strip across the top printed on white paper. In the strip is "Stop The Toxic / Incinerator" in white. Below the bar to the left is "march & rally / at the WTI / toxic / incinerator site / in East Liverpool, Ohio" and at the right is a stylized image of a skull and cross bones over a factory. At the top of the bottom half of the poster is the date, meeting location, route, information on the peaceful sit-in and a list of numbers to call for more information. In a box at the bottom left are directions and a box at the bottom right has a map. Above the boxes at the center is "SEAC Regional Office" and at the right is "59-GREEN", both handwritten in blue ink.
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