
American Painters In Paris
29.5 in HIGH x 17.5 in WIDE
(74.93 cm HIGH x 44.45 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

"J.G-4-75" in black at the bottom right corner of the image.

Poster has a blue background. At the top is "American Painters In Paris" in white. Centered on the poster is an image of the Eiffel Tower made of red and blue stars on a white background. Below the image is "sous le haut patronage du Minist_re / de la Qualit_ de la Vie, Secr_tariat d''Etat au Tourisme et du Conseil de la Ville de Paris / une des plus _tonnantes expositions jamais r_alis_es: / le peintres am_ricains d''aujourd''hui-connus et inconnus- / face au Public fran_ais. un _v_nement _ ne pas manquer. / Palais Des Congres / 15 D_c 1975/15 Janv 1976" in white. Across the bottom edge is a list of sponsors in blue.

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