
Das Andere Amerika
33 in HIGH x 23.25 in WIDE
(83.82 cm HIGH x 59.05 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Poster is printed on white/cream paper. The poster''s background is a cityscape, most likely New York City. In the forefront is a construction worker who is attaching two thick steel cables together, possibly building a bridge. At the top left corner is white text that appears to be German that reads: "Geschichte, Kunst / und Kultur der / amerikanischen / Arbeiterbewegung". In the top right corner is text that is designed like the flag of the United States of America that reads: "Das Andere / Amerika". To the left of the construction worker is black text that reads: "13.Marz-24.April 1983 / Staatilche Kunsthalle Berlin / Budapester StraBe 46 / Di-So 10-18, Mi 10-22 Uhr, Mo geschlossen / Eine Ausstellung der / Neuen Gesellschaft fur Bildende Kunst NGBK". Below text on poster: "Rahmenprogramm bitte unter 31 61 82 erfragen. / Konzerte, Filmprogramm, Lesungen, Diskussionsveranstaltungen. / Fuhrungen nach Vereinbarung.".
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