
Stop the war on Iraq! Not in our name
17.50 in HIGH x 13.00 in WIDE
(44.45 cm HIGH x 33.02 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Poster has a black background with an image of the earth in the center. the top edge has a blue bar with white text. It reads, "Stop the war in Iraq! Not in our name/ The world says NO to war." Below the earth image is, "Sunday Feb. 16/ San Francisco/ 11am Assemble at Embarcadero/ 1pm March - 2 pm Rally at Civic Center/ Join with millions to stop this unjust war. No war on the world/ No detentions and roundups/ No police state restrictions/ volunteers needed! 510-444-6455/ nionbayarea.net/ notinourname.net." Bottom edge has a list of co-sponsors: Bay Area United Against War, Not in our Name, United for Peace and Justice, International A.N.S.W.E.R.
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