
The Best of the New York Erotic Film Festival
36.125 in HIGH x 24 in WIDE
(91.76 cm HIGH x 60.96 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

"Best Of N.Y. Erotic Fest." handwritten in pencil on verso bottom center. "(c) copyright 1973 Saliva Films, Inc." in black vertically up the lower right edge of the image.

Poster printed on white paper. At the center is a stylized image of a body from the stomah to just above the knees with the head of a devil with his tongue out over the genitalia. Above the head is "The / Best Of The / New York / Erotic / Film Festival" in black. At the bottom left is a list of film festival judges in black. Centered below the image is "a film you won''t see on television for a long, long time." followed by the Saliva Films logo, all in black.
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