
Vietnam will win
18 in HIGH x 8 in WIDE
(45.72 cm HIGH x 20.32 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Printed in blue along the bottom edge is, "For posters or free neighborhood peace packet, contact" Neighbors for Peace/ 2945 Linden Ave- Berkeley CA 94705--(4158 843-3229 or 841-7332 (labor donated)."

Small white poster with a black image of a Vietnamese man wearing a hat and raising a gun above his head with one arm. He has an expression of yelling on his face. Below the image is "Vietnam will win" in black lettering that looks like it was painted with a brush.

This image is from a photograph [first appearance not yet found] and was recycled many times in antiwar graphics.

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