
Salvemos Las Ballenas
Late 20th Early 21st Century
24 in HIGH x 17 in WIDE
(60.96 cm HIGH x 43.18 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Salvemos Las Ballenas / Federacion de Amigos de la Tierra / Apartado 46177 de Madrid / Delfin comun / Delfin amazonico / tursion / Delfin de risso / Beluga / Narval / Ballena piloto / Orca / Rorcual aliblanco / Ballena Gris / Yubarta / Ballena Vasca / Ballena de groenlandia / Cachalote / Rorcual comun / Ballena azul

Poster about saving the whales. Black text on a blue background with illustrations of several whales and their names, in order from top to bottom by size. Illustration of an elephant and a human figure to provide scale.
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