
Leftover Crack
c. 2004
17 in HIGH x 11 in WIDE
(43.18 cm HIGH x 27.94 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Leftover Crack / Fuck World Trade / LP/CD out now / On their second album, N.Y.C.''s dirtiest political/punk bank commit the most heinous thought crime of the 21st century / Appearing at: / Alternative Tentacles Records / P.O. Box 419092, San Francisco, / CA 94141-9092, USA / www.alternativetentacles.com / Distributed by Mordam Records / [Same text on verso]

Poster for punk band Leftover Crack advertising their second album. One side had a photo of the World Trade Center towers in NYC on Sept 11, 2001 as they are on fire. Superimposed on image are Rudi Guiliani holding a remote control, Dick Cheney holding a box of matches, and George W. Bush at a gas pump holding the nozzle with flames shooting out. The gas pump reads: "Halliburton" and "Mission Accomplished." On second side are photographs of four men, presumably the band members.
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