
c. 2005
17 in HIGH x 11 in WIDE
(43.18 cm HIGH x 27.94 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Inquisition / Revolution / I think its called Inspiration / Very few things will leave as lasting an impression on me as the first chord of the first song I heard by them. --Jason Black Hot Water Music / A bank like Inquisition made a dent in the underground punk community in their heyday, when they should have been a full blown car crash. --Tim Avail / Desperation Man! Gut Wrenching Sincerity! That''s what I loved about Inquisition. They were and still are everything missing in punk. --Jay Suicide Machines / Inquisition had it all, the energy, the desperation, political lyrics, it was all there and it got me so psyched. --Tim Ensign / www.inquisitionrva.com / P.O. Box 71266 Pittsburg, PA 15213 www.a-frecords.com

Poster advertising the punk band Inquistion. White text on black background. Main image is a heart with the word "Revolution" and a star inside it. Below are four photographs of the band performing. Below photos are quotes about the band.
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