
untitled (Martin Niemoeller quote)
Late 20th Early 21st Century
20 in HIGH x 16 in WIDE
(50.8 cm HIGH x 40.64 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Poster printed on white paper with a green, yellow and red border. Green text down the length of the poster reads "in Germany they came first for / the Communists, and I didn''t / speak up because I wasn''t a / Communist. then they came / for the Jews, and I didn''t speak / up because I wasn''t a Jew. / then they came for the trade / unionists, and I didn''t speak up / because I wasn''t a trade / unionist. then they came for / the Catholics, and I didn''t / speak up because I was a / Protestant. then they came for / me, and by that time no one / was left to speak up. / Martin Niemoeller".
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