
22 in HIGH x 17 in WIDE
(55.88 cm HIGH x 43.18 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Scholastic Magazines and Book Services / 50 W. 44 Street / New York, N.Y. 10036 / Copyright (c) 1972 by Scholastic Magazines, Inc. / All rights reserved / Printed in U.S.A. KT025/PG667

Poster with the word "Conflict" in bold letters at top on black background. Below is an image in a red rectangle. Image is the same face repeated three times, the first face is printed as a negative image. The hair shape around the face includes a collage of images from soldiers, to crowds, to the U.S. capital building, the Beatles, the earth as seen from space, building, guitar, etc.
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