
Socialism 2003
17 in HIGH x 11 in WIDE
(43.18 cm HIGH x 27.94 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Whose world? / Theirs or ours? A socialist world is posslbe / Socialism 2003 / A weekend of political debate, discussion and entertainment / Sponsored by the International Socialist Organization, publisher of Socialist Worker and the Center for Economic Research and Social Change, publisher of International Socialist Review / For program updates, more information or to register online, visit: www.socialism2003.org

Poster advertising a conference about socialism called "Socialism 2003." Poster has a blue background with three small photographs of people with protest signs. Verso is divided into four quarters with registration information, a smaller version of the poster, information about the conference, and a registration form.
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