
Wings of Shelter
17 in HIGH x 11 in WIDE
(43.18 cm HIGH x 27.94 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Wings of Shelter / A Benefit for Women Living with AIDS / Tuesday / December 6, 1988 / 7 p.m. / $13.50 / Great American Music Hall / 859 O''Farrell, S.F. 94109 / Cris Williamson with Tret Fure / Betsy Rose / Marga Gomez / The Dance Brigade / Maria Cora / Susan Freundlich signing for the hearing impaired / Wheelchair accessible

Poster advertising the Wings of Shelter benefit held in San Francisco for Women Living with AIDS. Poster is light blue with a sun and sunrays at top, a bird at right center, and the Bay Bridge at bottom with a woman and child at the center of the bridge. Text in black at center lists the acts and ticket and venue information.
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