
Join The SYL!: Black Liberation Through Proletarian Revolution!
c. 1974
20.12 in HIGH x 27.00 in WIDE
(51.12 cm HIGH x 68.58 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Bottom left below image reads, "Photo: Pro-busing demonstration in Boston, 13 October 1974." Bottom right reads, "Spartacus Youth League Box 825, Canal St. Sta. N.Y., N.Y. 10013 (212) 925-5665." Next to this text is a union stamp, Allied number 118.

Main image is a sepia photograph of a pro-busing demonstration in Boston with African Americans marching and holding signs that read, "Stop Racist Attacks on Black Children Spartacus League," and, "Implement the busing plan! Extend busing to the Suburbs! Spartacist." Poster reads in red text, "Join The SYL!/ Black Liberation Through Proletarian Revolution!"
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