
Stop the Violence Please
Late 20th - Early 21st Century
30.69 in HIGH x 16.88 in WIDE
(77.95 cm HIGH x 42.86 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Printed across the bottom of the page: "These students from the Atlantic Street Summer Academy with the help of Tim Girvin Design, Inc., Wescan, Impression Northwest, and The Paper Zone have created this poster. We, the students and the future, ask you to join us to increase the peace. Stop the violence, please. This message is live and direct from Seattle, Michele Durkson Clise and Marsha Burns. Thank you."

Poster contains a graphic composed of multicolor child-like drawings of hands over a background of gray text on a black background. The background text visible at top begins, "Stray Bullet Kills 2 Year Old Child?" Male and female names are printed on top of the hands in small text. A large hand in red silhouette with a pattern of dark red spatters appears at center. A gun in black silhouette with a yellow mark crossing diagonally over top is visible in the middle of the hand. "Stop The / Violence / Please" is printed across the page from top to bottom.
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