
Una Sola Union, Vote UFW
c. 1977
22.00 in HIGH x 16.88 in WIDE
(55.88 cm HIGH x 42.86 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Printed signature at bottom left. "Distributed by El Taller Grafico, United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO, La Paz, Keene, Ca. 93531" and a union label for Allied Printing UFW printed at bottom right.

Poster printed with yellow, red, and black ink on white paper. The page had an overall yellow background with text in black at top left that reads, "Una Sola Union," and at bottom right, "Vote UFW." A black eagle symbol also appears below the text at bottom right. An image of a man and a woman standing together in three-quarter profile fills the lower left side of the page. The man appears in front wearing a poncho and a hat while holding a long stick. The woman appears just over the man's shoulder in a red outfit holding up a large red flag with an eagle symbol in a white circle and the text, "La Union de Campesinos." A second flag with a similar design is partially visible at bottom left.
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