
Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice
18.38 in HIGH x 16.88 in WIDE
(46.67 cm HIGH x 42.86 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Bottom edge text reads, "Poster: From a painting by Helene Aylon, 'Formation with Radiating Center.' For Info: Women's Encampment (212) 505-8493; 924-4133 Printed by Tower Press, Presswomen Enterprises." Notes the event is,"In sisterhood with the Women's S.A.C. Earth Caravan to the U.N. May/June '82, and the Berlin, Comiso, Greenham, Toronto and the Seattle Women's Peace Encampments '83."

Poster has a brown and blue background with blue, brown, and green text. The brown and yellow image is from a painting by Helene Aylon, "Formation with Radiating Center." Poster reads, "women's encampment for a future of peace and justice/ Seneca Army Depot, N.Y. July 4-Sept. 6, 1983."
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