
Collection Date: October 28, 1933
7.25 in HIGH x 5.25 in WIDE x 0.75 in DEEP
Tom Green County, TX

San Antonio

Gift of the Walt Disney Family Foundation

Four (4) butterflies in a Riker Mount which is a thin, glass-topped, cotton-filled exhibition case. These range in size from 1 x 5/8 to 1 1/2. They have a prominent "snout" formed by elongated mouthparts (labial palpi). Wings  are patterned on black-brown with white and orange markings. The fore wings have a distinctive squared off, hook-like (falcate) tip. The butterfly in the middle is folded. Verso from top to bottom and left to right: "Libythea ba[obstruction]manni 10-28-33 San Anotnio Texas The Snout Butterfly"

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