
10 in HIGH x 8 in WIDE
(25.40 cm HIGH x 20.32 cm WIDE)
The Oakland Tribune Collection, the Oakland Museum of California. Gift of ANG Newspapers

Handwritten on the back, "Frank L. Clarke." Photo shows Clark posing in front of the nose of his plane the "Miss Hollydale." Clark is wearing jodhpurs, tall leather boots laced at the side and across the top of his foot, a short cordiroy jacket over a shirt and tie, aviator helmet and goggles on his head. Part of the propellar and engine and the left wings visible behind Clark [For further info on the plane look up Miss Hollydale airplane.] Frank Clark was one of the pilots who competited in the Dole Race. The Dole Race or Dole Derby was an air race from Oakland to Hawaii from August 16-18, 1927. There were fifteen original entries but due to various accidents and mechanical problems only eight planes actually took off and only two ever reached Hawaii. The race was sponsered by James Dole of Dole Hawaiian Pineapple. First prize was $25,000 and second $10,000. Clark was the pilot of the plane the "Miss Hollydale." At the time of the race, Clark was a stunt pilot and wing-walker out of Clover Field in Southern California along with Art Goebel, the pilot who went on to win the Dole prize. Clark was well known for his sense of humor and was considered an extremely good pilot. Clark and his plane withdrew from the Dole Race three days before the start after taking off from the Oakland Airport and returning to Los Angeles. No explanation was given for the withdrawl. Clarke went on to fly with the Army Air Force during World War II and also worked in the motion picture industry and other related piloting jobs. He died in a crash of a civilian BT 13 in 1948. (Information provided by Lesley Forden, "The Dole Race," "American Aviation Historical Society." Fall and Winter 1975.)

Used: Oakland Tribune

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