
A: Man's blue denim jacket with "Lee, M.R., Patd. - 153438, Made in U.S.A." label stitched in inside, back yoke. "Lee" also on left breast pocket flap. Fastens down the front with 6 (six) metal buttons, each stamped "Lee." This jacket was worn by Rafael Jesús González to many anti-nuclear bomb protests. Embroidered on the back is "Lifers, here for life." The "Lifers" were an anti-nuclear bomb affinity group, part of the cluster named "Change of Heart. They worked with the "Livermore Action Group" (a anti-nuclear bomb protest group) from 1982-1984. The image on the back of the jacket is the symbol of the group. "Lifers, here for life" refers to the group name ("Lifers") and their protest against nuclear bombs, making them present at the protest or present on Earth ("here")- "here for life," and also their willingness to serve prison terms "for life" if necessary, because of their protests. The following seven round pins or protest buttons, are pinned to the proper right breast pocket in the front, emulating military campaign ribbons B: "International Day of Nuclear Disarmament, June 20" (printed by the Livermore Action Group, Berkeley, CA) - white dove blue and gray global map, black sun rays, white lettering; C: "International Day of Nucler Disarmament, June 20, blocade" - yellow dove, black disc, bright yellow and green rays, yellow background; D: "Blocade Livermore, June 21" - white dove flying through and destroying a missle, green circle, red lettering; E: "Freeze the labs too, Livermore Action Group" - red with black lettering and image of bomb blast; F: "Blocade Vandenberg, Stop First Strike, 'MX'" red, white and blue with the image of a missile with a red "no" bar across it; G: "Stop MX, Livermore Action Group, Nonviolent Occupation Vandenberg . Blocade . Direction" red stop sign on a black background, white lettering; H: "Civil Disobedience is Civil Defense" blue and white with black letter, centered with a white triangle and red "CD"; and on the proper right breast pocket - I: "U.S. Out of El Salvador" in white on a blue and green map of the western hemisphere, white El Salvador in white; J: "Stop U.S. Intervention in El Salvador" printed in black on a red and yellow map of Central America, with a target printed on El Salvador (donor added a small plastic toy soldier at the point of the target to give the pin a three-dimensional quality); K: "Hands Off Latin America" white letters on brown background; L: "Boycott Grapes" red white and black with a stylized eagle in the center; M: "Nuclear? No Gracias" in black on yellow, centered with a smiling red sun in the center; N: "Huelga Delano" in red on black, centered with a stylized red eagle; O: "Dump Reagan" in blue, "U.S. Out of Central America" in white, red, white and blue with three stars on the proper right.

Used: Rafael Jes?s Gonz?lez | Anti-nuclear protest | Alameda County | Oakland | Berkeley | Livermore

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