
(Globalize the Intifada/ Palestine Will Be Free)
22.5 in HIGH x 17 in WIDE
(57.15 cm HIGH x 43.18 cm WIDE)
Collection of the Oakland Museum of California

wooden stick

On April 20 2002, approximately 20,000 people participated in a peace march in San Francisco. The demonstration began at Dolores Park and ended at the city hall. Many causes were featured on posters. This poster is made of cardboard with two gold photocopies stapled to it. The top photocopy has black print which states "Globalize the Intifada." The second photocopy has printed on it "Palestine Will Be Free" in big black font and in a black box has "Workers Wold Party" on it. The inifada is the freedom fighters in Palestine and the bottom photocopy is addressing the Isreali occupation of the West Bank and the organization who created the leaflets: Workers World Party.

Used: protestor | Workers World Party

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