
tal Research CP/M 1.4 & 2.0 Documentation
c. 1977
7 in WIDE x 0.75 in DEEP
(17.78 cm WIDE x 1.90 cm DEEP)
Gift of Michael Sage

A computer manual explaining the applications of CP/M . In the introduction, CP/M is described as, "a monitor control program for microcomputer system development which uses IBM-compatible flexible disks for backup storage. Using a computer mainframe with Intel's 8080 microcomputer, CP/M provides a general environment for program construction, storage, and editing, along with assembly and check-out facilities." The manual is divided into eleven section including a user's guide, assembler, debugging tool, alteration guide, and interface guide. Each section has a different copyright date, between 1976 and 1979.

Used: Michael Sage | Computer geek | Research | Technology | Data processing | Personal computer | Hobby

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