
Ceremonies and audience, Laying of the Cornerstone of the New Alameda County Court House
7.75 in HIGH x 11.75 in WIDE
(19.68 cm HIGH x 29.84 cm WIDE)
Gift of Mrs. Norma Stanberry

Ask For N. CH-33-B, When Ordering Copies of This Print, Ford E. Samuel, 470 - 13th St, Oakland, Calif. 10-12-35
CH-33-B, 10-12-35, W & P

Black and white glossy photograph, backed in linen, with a margin punch with three holes down the proper right side. The image shows the participants and viwers at the Cornerstone Laying ceremonies of the Alameda County Court House. The ceremonies took place on the east side of the building; on the proper left side of the image are many tall eucalyptus trees, and nestled in them is the roof of the Camron Stanford House (then the Oakland Public Museum). The Court House is underconstruction. Many men are seated on the platform constructed for the ceremonies. A large 48 star American flag is suspended behind the platform. There is a row of uniformed police officers standing behind the platform. Behind them, against the building are three men who are members of a Masonic lodge; they are wearing their white Masonic aprons. One stands on the proper right, two on the proper left. (Notice behind these two men, standing on a slightly elevated ledge of the building, is a photographer, looking down into his camera.) Immediately in front of the speakers' platform is a group of Shriners, wearing their fezes; they are probably Aahmes Shriners since that participated in the ceremonies. Across the aisle from them, also seated in front of the speakers' platform is another Masonic affiliated group, the Knights Templar, wearing white ostrich plumes on their large hats.

Notice the degree of formality in the clothing of the on-lookers. Most are wearing hats, whether they are men or women. Some of the younger members of the audience seem to be bare-headed., but very few.

Used: souvenir

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