This is a black and white photograph of a crowd of people assembled outdoors. At right, a man in profile stands with his eyes closed and his head tilted back. On the left, a young boy in three-quarter profile stands and drinks from a bottle of milk.
Micaëla Gallery printout: "THE HUMAN BE-IN GATHERING OF THE TRIBES / San Francisco 1967 / I was driving across the Bay Bridge to photograph and participate in the first Human Be-In when I looked around realized that everyone going to San Francisco was going to the Be-In. That's how big this event was at the Polo Grounds in Golden Gate Park. For the first time the Counter Culture saw itself and how huge the movement was. They listened to Beat poets and Rock & Roll while jammed together so tight no one could move around. I thought I was trapped and would not see any good shots when a hippie stood up tripping then followed by a child drinking milk."