
Bring The Jobs Back To The Bayview
Late 20th Early 21st Century
22.125 in HIGH x 16.875 in WIDE
(56.2 cm HIGH x 42.86 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Poster has a beige background with blue, black, and red text and a blue border. Small blue text box centered at the top reads "Remember San Francisco''s Forgotten Neighborhood". Large red text on the beige background at the top reads "Bring The Jobs Back To The Bayview". Near the center are three images side by side. Left image shows a man in a thick metal mask working. Central image shows a birds eye view of the city and Bay. Right image shows a woman typing. At the bottom of the poster are two columns of black text with red sectionn headings. Near the bottom at the left is an image of a child reading a book. At the bottom right is a wrench. Centered at the bottom is red text reading "Vote Yes On D & F" followed by blue text reading "A Proposal That Works To Put People To Work". Verso top left shows inverted photo os two female riveters and white text reading "Never Forget". Verso bottom left has an area for mailing at the top and photos and a list of props D and F supporters. Verso right side has a long, thin beige text box with four paragraphs of black text and photos at the top and bottom. A red bar across the bottom of the right side reads "Never Forget".
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