
Save Our Trees
Late 20th Early 21st Century
16 in HIGH x 26 in WIDE
(40.64 cm HIGH x 66.04 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Allied Printing (Northern California) and Alliance Graphics (Berkeley, CA) logos in white at the bottom right and top left corners of open poster. "Gill-line (R) patented 5, 682, 696; 5, 878, 517; US 6, 397, 451, B1 and related patent pending" printed upside down in green at the center of the open poster. "paid for by Save Berkeley''s Trees / FPPC#1263675" printed in white and centered at the bottom and top of the open poster.

Poster has a green background with white text and images and a white border all around. Poster menat to be folded in half, creating a duplicate image on both side - when open, the top image is an inverted replica of the bottom image. Identical images shows "Save Our Trees" at the top with "Vote Yes" on the left and "on S" on the right, with a green tree in a white circle separating the two sections of text. At the bottom left is "saving our trees saves money". At the bottom right is a website. Poster has a waxy finish.
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