
untitled (shadows of people in front of a flag)
26.875 in HIGH x 19 in WIDE
(68.26 cm HIGH x 48.26 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

"Jane Norling" in white vertically up the left edge near the bottom. OSPAAAL logo in white at the bottom left corner.

Poster has a blue background. At the top is the Puerto Rican flag. Over the bottom of the flag are blue shadows of figures and the top of the flag is formed by red and white shadows of figures. Across the bottom of the poster is white text in Spanish, English, French and Arabic - "September 23/Day of World Solidarity with the struggle of the people of Puerto Rico".

This poster was designed by Berkeley-based grophic artist Jane Norling while visiting Cuba. [LMC]

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