
Untitled [Deomocratic Woman]
26.50 in HIGH x 18.88 in WIDE
(67.31 cm HIGH x 47.94 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

The poster has a black border overall. The poster has a stylized drawing of a female figure, she is wearing a long blue dress, and her right arm has a long white glove and is holding a paper fan. The background of the drawing is green with a large line drawing of a male figure from the chest up in white and green. The bottom of the poster has the text: "By 1765 the English Parliament had gained dominance over the crown. The American Revolution of 1776 produced the American / Congress and a Declaration of Independence...for men...not women. The French Revolution (1789-1792) evolved the / French Assembly. At the end of the 18th century Greed democracy was being resurrected, and the total dominance and con- / trol of the male in government had been re-established. After 2100 years of comparative equity with the male, the status / of woman declined to the position she held in democratic Greece...once again she became subject to family and male domination.".
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