
The Weed Patch
c. 1968
19.75 in HIGH x 12.88 in WIDE
(50.16 cm HIGH x 32.70 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Under the foot of the female figure is the text: "Boo White".

Poster is printed in pink and black on salmon colored paper. Upper right corner has text in pink: "And This delightful herb whose tender green / Fledges the River's Lip on which we lean - / Ah, lean upon it lightly! for who knows / From what once lovely lip it springs unseen!". Below the poster has a stylized line drawing of a nude female in pink. Seen in profile she is bending over slightly with her hands on her knees so that her arms obscure her breasts slightly. Directly below her head drawn in the same style is a small flower growing from the ground at her feet. Overtop of this figure and on the left of the poster is a large circle created by an irregularly wavy line. Around the circumference of this circle is the text: "The Family That Smokes Together". Inside this circle there are four small black lines oriented at 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees. Between each of these is a shape made of one horizontal or vertical line and one diagonal line. The lower right corner of the poster has the text: "The / Weed / Patch / Smile, Baby / You're Not / Alone!". The bottom of the "t" in "patch" is altered to form a combination of the symbols for male and female where the cross in the female symbol is oriented upwards and created by the cross of the "t". The lower right portion of the poster has the text: "- All smoking needs - / from all over the world an local craftsmen - / pipe, pouches, cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, etc. / plus a modest and careful selection of jewels, / antiques, & magic pieces / 1399 Haight 863-0645 / at Masonic in San Francisco".
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