
A Commitment to Care...
c. 1985
22.00 in HIGH x 17.00 in WIDE
(55.88 cm HIGH x 43.18 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Vertical captions for all six photographs provide the animal name and photographer. Bottom right corner has information and logo for the World Wildlife Fund and reads, "Help us continue to save the world's wildlife with your tax deductible gift to the World Wildlife Fund."

Poster has a gray background with black and white text. There are six photographs which feature clockwise starting with the top left, Spider Monkeys, Wild Bewick's Swans, Bengal Tiger, American Peregrine Falcon, Vicuna, and a Right Whale. Poster reads, "A commitment to care...." Each photograph has a paragraph description next to them.
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