Sit-Down: an original play by the Bread & Roses Theater based on the sit-down strike in Flint, Mich - 1937
c. 1975
22.5 in HIGH x 12.5 in WIDE
(57.15 cm HIGH x 31.75 cm WIDE)
(57.15 cm HIGH x 31.75 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.
Bottom edge has: "printed at the women's graphics collective, chicago, illinois"
Top edge of poster has text: "Sit-Down: an original play by the Bread & Roses Theater based on the sit-down strike in Flint, Mich - 1937" Center of poster has text: "If our hands do the work / shouldn't we own the wealth! / ! Si Nuestras manos hacen el / trabajo son nuestras las / riquezas que produce !". Below is a drawing of two men and one woman sitting down and leaning on a General Motors factory, and an angry executive jumping up and down.
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