
Erinnern Fur Die Zukunft
23.38 in HIGH x 16.50 in WIDE
(59.37 cm HIGH x 41.91 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Bottom right corner: "V.i.S.d.P.: Klaus Forter-Vondey, 2 HH4,".

Poster is printed on white/cream paper. Poster has a white background. The top of the poster has black text that appears to be German that reads: "Erinnen / fur / die / Zukunft." Below this text is a pixeLated image of a young boy wearing a hat and waving his hand. To the left of this image is black text that reads: "Stadtrudgang/ / Demonstration / Mittwoch / 09.11.88 / Auftakt: / 17.00 Uhr / Salvador- / Allende- / Platz / Route:". Below the image of the boy is a yellow Star of Davide with "Jude" inside the star. Below this is black text that reads: "50. Jahrestag / 'Reichskristallnacht' / 9. Nov. 1938- 9. Nov. 1988". On the back is additional information and a schedule reLated to the conference and protest.
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