
The lots shown in this subdivision map are contained by Park Ave. on the north and Kennedy St. on the south; the eastern boundary street is Frederick St. and the western boundary street is Livingston St. Dennison St. bisects the subdivision. The area is 33 47/100 acres, which has been subdivided into 10 blocks containing 2 4/10 acres each, and which are to be sold in quarter, half or whole blocks. The "Tract List" compiled by Quentin dates the Shell Mound Tract at 1876. "...Saturday Oct. 30, 1875 commencing at 2 o'clock p.m....by order of Captain A .F. Rogers, at the office of Bigelow & Rowell...that elegant and desirable property lying at the head of the Bay or Estuary of San Antonio, known as the Shell Mound Tract..." Printed on yellow paper.

Used: William F. Boardman

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