
8 in HIGH x 10 in WIDE
(20.32 cm HIGH x 25.40 cm WIDE)
The Oakland Tribune Collection, the Oakland Museum of California. Gift of ANG Newspapers

Handwritten on the back, "Street Car Strike 1919." Photo shows a street car with its windowns boarded up stopped on a street, somewhere in downtown Oakland. Several men are getting on the car. A short distance in front of the street car is a car filled with police officer who appear to be running interference for the street car. Another car full of police is parked at the back of the street car too. In the foreground are cars parked diagonally at the curb. In the background is a crowd of men gathered on the sidewalk opposite the street car. Traffic is stopped from going across the intersection. One of the signs above the store in the background says "Spot cash paid for Liberty Bonds" and another sign advertises the services of "Painless Parker, Dentist."

Used: Oakland Tribune

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