
This scene is in all probability near the Pleasant Valley junction of the Key System's Piedmont extension (See Demorro, p.58-59 for text). In this photo, two sets of tracks are being laid, leading away from the camera and turning to the right. On the left set, only ties have been laid, while on the right, ties and track are down. At center, a work locomotive and a hopper car are probably unloading gravel for track ballast. Several workmen are at work near the locomotive. A truck is at the right edge of the photo. An upper set of tracks runs from the right edge to upper center; it is separated from the lower tracks-to-be by a cement retaining wall, capped by a railing. Compare this photo with the one in Demorro, p.176, top, with a Key System train in operation. Even some of the houses appear to be the same in both photos. One of the difference in time between the two photos is the growth in the background trees. References: Demoro, Harre W. "The Key System," Interurban Press, Glendale, CA, 1985, 2 vols, photos, maps, drawings. Ford, Robert S. "Red Trains in the East Bay," Interurban Publications, Glendale, CA, 1977, photos, maps, drawings.
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