Berkeley 1970 Workshop

Peace is Patriotic
Peace is Patriotic
The Law Requires That You Inform Your Draft Board of All Changes in Status, Obey The Law to the Letter, Jam Your Board May 1970.
Unite Against the War
Turn It In
U.S., Cambodia, Kent
Up Against the War Motherland
Up Against the War
Visit Army Day Exhibits, A Strong America is a Peaceful America
Strike!  Get Out of S.E. [South East] Asia Now!
No Nixon Agnew War
Peace On Earth
What Happened [to peace]?
Stop Killing - Start Listening
End The War
American Invasion!
untitled (Nixon puppeteer/puppet)
All We Are Saying Is Give Peace A Chance!
All his parents' love and devotion did not save the life of the this boy.  YOU can help save the lives of others.
America is a Democracy Only as Long as it Represents the Will of the People.
Armed Farces Day
Berkeley Writers for Peace
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