class picture

c. 1895

The class picture shows students, mostly white, who are most likeley in their pre- to early-teens. There is quite a bit of diveristy in the children, including on African American boy, and three...


Four rows of standing children, the two in the center front hold a board which is inscribed, "Highland, 1932, 2A & #B, Miss Landram." The donor, Thelma Shobe, is the third from the left in...


Four rows of boys and girls; donor (Thelma Shobe) is the second child from the left in the third row. Note that the boy on the left in the back row has no shoes; several boys are dressed in over-...

May 24, 1891

May 24, 1891. School children named on back.


Four rows of boys and girls; the donor, Thelma Shobe, is the first person on the left in the top row. Note that several of the boys in the front row are barefoot. The donor is wearing a pink...


Four rows of boys and girls, the donor, Thelma Shobe, is the 6th from the left in the third row. Notice that one boy in the class is still wearing over-alls to class, but all of the children...


Miss Edwards, teacher is standing in the last row, first person on the left. Thelma Shobe (donor) is fifth from the left in the third row. Sign held by children says "Highland, 10/23/1933, Grade...


The donor is seen in a new hair-do, curly and pulled off of her face. She said that she was finally allowed to get a perm (her first) and she loved it. Before that it was only her mother and...

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