

This is a black and white photograph of a man in a dark suit walking by a gas station with a sign that reads, "MOBILE SERVICE / TRICKY DICK'S USED CARS." The man is photographed in...


Black and white photograph of an old woman wearing a light colored nun's habit and standing against a black background. The nun is wearing light rimmed glasses and is holding a Bible in one hand...

untitled (man out of window)
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a sepia tone photo showing a man with his head out of a window of a brick building with a hat in his right hand and a can in his left hand, both also out of the window.

untitled (man out of window)
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a sepia tone photo showing a man with his head out of a window of a brick building with a hat in his right hand and a can in his left hand, both also out of the window.

Bread and Puppet Theater: The birdcatcher in hell
Late 20th century

White poster with red print. Top half of poster consists of a circle with a human/bird like creature riding a horse like creature inside it. On the bottom half of the poster is "Bread and Puppet...

Disability arts fair: celebrating deaf and disabled artists
c. 1995

Poster consits of black print on blue/green paper with a full color image and a green sticker adhered to the paper. Image on right side depicts people with various physical disabilities in a park...

National medical marijuana action week
c. 2004

Text at the top of the poster reads "National Medical Marijuana / Action Week / February 15-23, 2004." Image depicts the statue of liberty standing behind a medical professional, an elderly man...

The Village Elder

Poster has a lino or woodcut type drawing of an older man wearing long robes and sitting on a bench. The man has on a hat and leaning on a long skinny cane. In the lower right is a decorated clay...


Cane, curious twisted growth

Cane, manzanita, gnarled growth

Cane of scrub pine, natural root head

Cane, curious distorted growth.

Cane of cactus wood

Cane of manzanita

Cane, vertebrae of shark.  Orange wood head

Cane with carved snake.

Cane. Carved and painted (or dyed) wood,snakes, eagle on caactus with green, red, white ribbon-like strips. Probably from Mexico.

Cane. Shellacked wood with bone handle; metal ring joining bone and wood; slightly tapered.

Cane, wood with crook handle, decorative scarification from cut-off branches; silver colored tip.

Stick, wooden walking stick in three pieces screwed together, metal tip at either end.


Cane made of wood. The wood came from the bow of the sprit of the old "Independence" at Goat Island in 1903 by Mr. C. P. Shockly, husband of the donor.


Rapier cane, silver mounted. Used in California by Joseph Smith, 1857

Cane made from wood of the "John Jay". The ship that brought Lafayette on second trip.

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