

Depiction: A young man attempts to pass through a hole in a chainlink fence trying to get to People's Park. A police officer sees him and is approaching. Caption reads: Advocates of Berkeley's...


Depiction: A crowd of student protestors stand around a large square of sod which has been laid down in the middle of a Berkeley street. It is symbolic of the "People's Park." Students are lying...


Depiction: Two young men roll out strips of sod in the middle of a Berkeley street. A small crowd stands around and watches them. A car is parked next to them, preventing traffic from driving...


Depiction: AP photo caption reads: Guardsmen with bayoneted rifles and police hold an estimated 200 persons in the corner of a downtown Berkeley parking light [should read 'lot] Thursday afternoon...


Depiction: A young, white man and woman walk across a small section of recently laid sod. They hold hands as a small crowd stands around the grassy square cheering them. Behind them is a...


Photo depicts: View is looking down on to at least 100 National Guardsmen linign a sidewalk. Their guns are pointed in front of them holding back a large group of students and protestors on the...


Description: A poor, blurry photo of a man crouching to get through a door where the glass has been broken out of it. A group of people stand behind him and watch. He looks to be entereing the...


Description: A large crowd gathers on a lawn in front of a large plain housing building. Photo caption reads: People's Park People Get People's Housing: People's Park demonstrators converge on...


Description: A young white man heaves a bucket of water over a chainlink fence surrounding the Peopl'e Park. He and the supporters around him wear their graduation robes. Photo caption reads:...

May 22, 19690

Description: A group of students, mostly men, are huddled together in a small circle against a wall. They are surrounded by numerous National Guardsmen holding bayonetted rifles and dressed in...


Description: A large group of people have gathered in a park along a row of trees. Photo is taken into the crowd which is made up of people with long hair and tattered clothing. Most of them sit...


Description: Photo is taken into a large crowd of people. It is a photo of only heads and shoulders of people of all color. Photo caption reads: Rock music fans listen to Santana as the Woodstock...


Description: A blond girl leans backwards as she dances in the middle of a crowded London street as a friend watches. Other people simply sit in the middle of the sidewalk relaxing. Photo caption...


Description: A large group of people take over a large stretch of pavement in London's Piccadilly Circus. Photo caption reads: With the famous Eros statue in the heart of Piccadilly Circus for a...

Oakland April 18, 1906

See original record (2005.52.104) for information about the album.

Oakland April 18, 1906

See original record (2005.52.104) for information about the album.

Oakland April 18, 1906

See original record (2005.52.104) for information about the album. Image 2005.52.104A shows soldiers and people standing in front of Oakland's City Hall, presumably following the earthquake...

1947|c. 1980

Print is later


Appears to have been sepia toned.

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